What is Sportalis®?
Sportalis® is an independent database created to bring together all European instructors, trainers, and professionals working in the sport, physical exercise, health, and Leisure.
The inclusion in Sportalis® of your professional profile does not mean that you automatically comply with all the requirements required by our registration until your qualifications and certifications have not been verified by our rigorous processes of validity and authenticity.
Thanks to them, Sportalis® certifies that the professionals who appear in this register and who have their qualifications verified, are qualified and can offer their services to consumers, employers and all those interested in the search of trusted trainers and professional trainers.
Laura and JohnThanks to Sportalis® we have made new professional contacts and received dozens of new jobs offers.

How does it work?
The operation of the Sportalis® registration is very simple. If you are a professional of physical exercise, sports and health activities, a fitness trainer or a fitness instructor or a leisure instructor, you only have to register, fill out the sections related to your experience, time availability, qualifications, etc. And send to the system, through the tool designed for it, the file with the degrees that you want to validate. If your qualifications comply with our qualifications and adapt to the European framework that regulates the certifications issued in the sports field, in the maximum period of 24 - 48 hours, your logo will appear on the profile corresponding to the discipline for which the Accreditation was requested.
Join Sportalis® In three easy steps
Why subscribe to Sportalis®?
Sportalis® is the biggest showcase for professionals of the physical and sporting activities, and leisure of Europe.
Your public profile will be in the main search engines and you will have access to a myriad of useful features. You will be able to publish and constantly update your experience and professional knowledge, schedules and place for your classes, photos of your events and notable activities, publish your video presentation, receive and manage references of satisfied customers with your services, share The link to your profile in social networks, send it as a letter of introduction to companies, individuals and public administrations, download the exclusive Sportalis® certificates that accredit the recognition of your qualifications, take advantage of the numerous job offers that are published daily, inform and Manage your own replacement offerings, download discount coupons from partners across Europe, all with the guarantees and prestige you get from being one of the fabulous members of Sportalis®.
Sign up for FREE!! With a Free profileWhat qualifications can I validate?
There are no limits(*). If you are one of our Premium users, you will be able to request the validation of any and all degrees you wish and as long as they exceed our rigorous validation process, the logo corresponding to each of them will appear on your profile.
(*)If you are a user with Free profile, you can validate up to a maximum of 3 qualifications.
Academic Degrees:
Education courses or government courses in Physical Education or health, leisure time or entertainment
Bachelor in Physical Education or in related activities of health, leisure time and entertainment
PhD in Physical Education or in related activities of health, leisure time, and entertainment
Degrees, Certificate of Higher Education (HNC), any other higher education NOT related to physical education, health, leisure and free time
Bachelor in Physical Education NOT related to activities of health, leisure time and entertainment
PhD in Physical Education NOT related to activities of health, leisure time, and entertainment
Currently, the degrees of Sportalis® are divided into 6 different categories or families, each represented by a different color:
Activities with limited groups or personalized
Sports, educational and leisure activities
Sport Federated Activities
Aquatic Activities
Development and Deepening Activities
Currently accredited degrees with their corresponding initial or initials (expressed in English) and their Sportalis® logo, are the following:
- A4K Aerial4Kids Instructor
- AE Aerobic Monitor
- API Aeropilates Instructor
- AY Aeroyoga Instructor
- AEM After School Activities m...
- AI Aikido Instructor
- AZ Aqua Zumba Instructor
- AF Aquatic fitness Monitor
- ATL Athletics Coach
- AED Automated External Defibr...
- BS Baby swimming Monitor
- BM Badminton Instructor
- BSA Ballroom Dancing Instruct...
- B Basketball Trainer
- BDI Belly Dance Instructor
- LMA Bodyattack Les Mills Ins...
- M Bodybuilding Monitor
- LMC Bodycombat Les Mills Inst...
- LMF Bodyflow Les Mills Instr...
- BJ Bodyjump Monitor
- LMP Bodypump Les Mills Instru...
- LMS Bodystep Les Mills Instru...
- LMV Bodyvive Les Mills Instr...
- BW Bokwa Instructor
- IB Boxing Instructor
- BJI Brazilian Jiu- Jitsu Inst...
- MC Camps Monitor
- CPI Capoeira Instructor
- CB Cardio Box Monitor
- ECT Cross Training Especialis...
- CF1 CrossFit Level 1
- CF2 CrossFit Level 2
- CF3 CrossFit Level 3
- CF4 CrossFit Level 4
- LMX Cxworx Les Mills Instruct...
- DI Dance Instructor
- EM Early Morning Care Monito...
- EI Emotional intelligence
- FAR First aid aimed at monito...
- FAK First aid course for coac...
- FAF First aid course for Fitn...
- FI Fitball Instructor
- IF Flamenco Instructor
- PS Floor Pilates Instructor
- F Football Trainer
- VFC Functional Sports Bandage
- EF Functional Training Monit...
- GI Gymnastics Monitor
- HB Handball Trainer
- S Hiking Monitor
- HHI Hip Hop Instructor
- HCK Hockey Coach
- HT Hypopressure Techniques
- AH Instructor Aerial Hammock
- AYH Instructor Aerial Yoga Ha...
- AEF Istruttore di Aerial Fitn...
- JKI Jeet Kune Do Instructor
- JJI Jiu-Jitsu Instructor
- J Judo Monitor
- K Karate Monitor
- KB Kick Boxing Instructor
- KMI Krav Maga Instructor
- KF Kung Fu Instructor
- LDI Latin Dance Instructor
- LBT LBT Instructor
- LMB Les Mills Bodybalance Ins...
- LMJ Les Mills Bodyjam Instruc...
- LCI Lucha Canaria Instructor
- LRM Lunchroom Monitor
- PM Machine Pilates Instructo...
- SSM Maritime Rescue Rescuer
- MT2 Military Training System...
- MF Mindfulness
- MTI Mini-trampoline Instructo...
- MDI Modern Dance Instructor
- MTC MTS Core Instructor
- MTG MTS Gold Instructor
- MT MTS Instructor
- MTK MTS Kids Instructor
- MTL MTS Lider-Coach Instructo...
- NF NirvanaFitness Instructor...
- NC Nutritional Coach
- P Padel Instructor
- EP Personal Trainer
- PX Piloxing Instructor
- PG Postural Gymnastics Instr...
- PSM Prenatal Swimming Monito...
- PR Rafting Instructor
- RAD Reciclaje en actividades...
- LMR RPM Les Mills Instructor
- VE Sail Instructor
- SI Salsation Instructor
- FA Sanitary First Aid
- SED Semi-automated External D...
- SFS Senior Fitness Specialist
- LMS Sh Bam Les Mills Instruct...
- PJ Skating Instructor
- SKI Ski Instructor
- SES Specialist in electro sti...
- CI Spinning/Indoor Cycle Ins...
- SAH Sport and hándicap
- MD Sport Monitor
- NU Sport Nutritional Expert
- MDO Sports and Leisure Monito...
- SMS Sports management special...
- SB Stark Body Flying Instruc...
- STP Step Instructor
- SGA Stretching Global Actif I...
- SZ STRONG Nation Instructor
- SFI Surf Instructor
- ES Suspension Training Instr...
- SD Swimming for the disabled...
- MN Swimming Monitor
- SP Swimming Pools Rescuer
- TB T-Bow Teacher
- TKI Taekwondo Instructor
- TC Tai-Chi Instructor
- T Tennis Instructor
- TR Terrestrial Rescuer
- QMT Therapeutic chiromassage
- TS Therapeutic Swimming Moni...
- V Volleyball Trainer
- WCI Wing Chun Instructor
- Y Yoga Instructor
- AB2 Zumba Basic 2
- Z Zumba Fitness Instructor
- ZG Zumba Gold Instructor
- ZK Zumba Kids Instructor
- ZP Zumba Pro Skills
- ZS Zumba Sentao Instructor
- ZS2 Zumba Step 2
- ZSP Zumba Step Instructor
- ZT Zumba Toning Monitor
If you do not have a document to prove your qualifications, these will be reflected in your profile but will appear in gray. At any time, and provided you have the necessary accreditations for this, you can upload the documents corresponding to your certifications, directly from your Control Panel. If these meet the requirements required by Sportalis®, your qualifications will appear in the color corresponding to their category and with the letters identifying the corresponding specialty, proving that it is a verified qualification.
Who can search my profile?
The Sportalis® registration is a public record. Your profile can be seen by any person, company, public administration or temporary work company that accesses our portal looking for a professional in the world of physical and sports activities, and leisure. Thanks to our powerful search engine by locality, country, city or specialty, any interested party can access the data of dozens of professionals of the sector of all Europe.

How does they contact me?

To contact you, both interested parties who are not registered in Sportalis® and those who are users of our registration, must access your profile, click on the contact button and fill in the corresponding form. In a few seconds the data entered, as well as the request made, will be sent to your email.
If instead, one of the Sportalis® registered companies is doing the search, with a Premium subscription, it will have access to your phone number * and e-mail and they can contact you directly.
* If you have this option enabled on your profile.
How much does it cost?
Absolutely nothing!
If you want you can register with a FREE Profile right now, and start enjoying all the advantages of being an Sportalis® member in just a few moments. If this is not enough, for the cost of a coffee and a brioche every month (€ 2.41 per month) * you will also have the possibility to choose our PREMIUM Profile and use all our services in an unlimited way.
* Resulting fee only in case of the full payment for an annual membership.
Profile Free
Oops!! I have not paid an installment
If for any reason the system can not collect the fee for your subscription to Sportalis® you will receive an email informing you of this issue, and the system will make a second attempt a few days later. In the case of not collecting the fee on the second attempt, or you have decided to cancel your membership voluntarily and not continue to enjoy all the advantages of Sportalis®, the system will automatically cancel your subscription. Once canceled, you can continue to access Sportalis® regularly until the expiration date provided by your plan.
When this period expires, your profile will become a FREE Profile. You can reactivate your Premium account whenever you want. If on the contrary, you want to cancel your account forever and no longer be in the search results of Sportalis®, you can do it from the option MY PLAN in your user menu.